TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Dispatch List

The Dispatch List can be printed from the Reports and Worksheets menu or by using the Dispatch Production function within the Production Orders menu. The list displays the upcoming load for a specific work center, machine group, or labor type and enables the scheduler or foreman to plan the day's or week's activity. The information can be sorted in a number of ways, which helps you determine the sequence in which production orders should flow through the selected resource.

Define the sort sequence using the Dispatch Production function within the Production Orders menu. This is where you decide to expedite one process over another, and by dragging and dropping, move the events into the desired sequence. Once you finish, print the list from the Dispatch Production function or the Dispatch List function.

  1. Select the sort criteria for the list from the Sort By section.
  2. Select the type of resource and ID to include in the list from the Type and ID fields respectively.
  3. Select the Banded Rows check box, if applicable, to highlight alternating lines on the list to make the list easier to read.
    Note: Use the System Manager Print Preferences function to define the default setting for this check box. You can then override this default when you print the list.
  4. Click a command button to
  5. Select To
    Print Print the Dispatch List using the selected criteria.
    Output Output the list as a PDF.
    Send Save the list as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview Preview the Dispatch List using the selected criteria.
    Reset Reset all fields and lists to their default selections.